Staying Safe While Curling

As we all adjust to the change in culture and conditions during the pandemic, Park City Curling Club is changing as well. Safety is our top priority and the club is planning an on-time start to the Fall League by implementing new safety precautions recommended by the Park City Ice Arena and USA Curling.

The following precautions and guidelines will be following during league and any curling activities hosted by the Park City Curling Club:

  1. Cleaning station cart will be provided for the club’s use

    • Disposable masks – Will be provided in case members forget their own

    • Wet wipes

    • Hand sanitizer and automatic dispensers

  2. Please be mindful of social distancing in the Ice Arena lobby before league starts. We recommend waiting in your car until 8:15 pm if you are not helping to set up.

  3. Set up procedures

    • Two teams assigned for set up

    • Assigned pebblers, hack setters, rock carriers

    • Everyone’s job to sanitize their hands and clean their own stones before starting play

  4. New game procedures:

    • Masks are required at all times within the Ice Arena

    • Hammer and color will be determined randomly before game by league manager

    • Games start at opposite end of ice

    • You will enter on side of the ice that you will play on

    • No pregame handshakes - Tapping brooms is acceptable alternative

    • 1 sweeper per team, 4th person is dedicated rock timer

      • The designated sweeper/ rock timer can switch per end or rotate per shot

    • Only skip and vice allowed in house (maintain social distance)

    • All must use their own numbered rocks - Ex. leads use 1+2, Second 3+4, etc.

    • One person per team (usually the vice) to set up and put numbers on the scoreboard

    • When cleaning up rocks at completion of the end, use your feet or a broom to remove them from play, maintain social distance while cleaning up. (mainly responsibility of the front end players)

  5. Clean up procedure

    • At end of game, only move your own stones to the storage area

    • Maintain social distance and allow one team to clean up stones at a time

    • No broomstacking

  6. Disaster plan

    • If someone from club contracts COVID-19, they are required to notify the club president.

    • The Club president will notify all club members of positive result.